Expectation in the Generalized Coupon Collector Without
Replacement Problem
Oct. 22, 2024
Recently, I attended a conference that held a raffle after its evening
lectures. The program began early in the morning and went on until 7pm;
many attendees had already left by the time the raffle began. This sparked
the question:
In a raffle with a total of \( t \) tickets,
\( p \) of which are held by people still participating,
on average, how many tickets would have to be drawn to
find a winner?
This first problem was quick, and I solved it in three ways:
using recursion, linearity, and then a satisfying intuitive
argument that led to interesting extensions.
Let \( E_{k} \) represent the expected number of draws to
find a winning ticket when there are \( k \) tickets left in
the hat. Our goal, then, is to determine \(E_{t}\). It is
clear that:
E_{p} = 1
since, if we have narrowed down the hat to p tickets, they all
must be valid and only one draw will be needed. We can also see that:
E_{k} = 1 + \frac{k-p}{k}E_{k-1}
since after a draw, there is a \(\frac{k-p}{k}\) chance we will get
an invalid ticket and have to redraw. From the first few values, it's
easy to see what \(E_{t}\) equals:
One thing that struck me in this answer was that every additional invalid
ticket increased the expected value by \(\frac{1}{p+1}\). Clearly, this was
because every invalid ticket has a \(\frac{1}{p+1}\) probability of appearing
before all valid tickets, and with linearity and some indicator variables,
it's easy to show that the expectation is simply \(1 + \frac{1}{p+1}(t-p) =
Intuitive Argument
Looking at the \(t-p\) term in my new result, I realized that a rephrasing of
this question made the solution almost trivial.
Define \(l=t-p\) as the number of people that left before the raffle
began. Find the expected number of draws necessary before a winning
ticket is found.
This simple rewording helped me visualize this question very differently.
Imagine that we're assembling a full sequence of draws. If we have \(p\)
valid tickets, then we can place the remaining \(l\) invalid tickets either
at the front, between valid tickets, or at the end. In effect, there are
\(p+1\) 'holes' to be filled in with the \(l\) invalid tickets.
Thus, on average, each hole will get \(\frac{l}{p+1}\) tickets.
This of course means that, at the beginning of our sequence, on average we
expect to see \(\frac{l}{p+1}\) invalid tickets before finding a winner.
To match the answer to our original question, we simply add 1 to this
expectation to account for the final draw of picking the winning ticket.
Testing My Expectation
Though the multiple derivations convinced me that my work was correct,
I wanted to see it in practice. To do this, I ran simulations using
Python. Here, I am finding the number of draws before a winning ticket
is found, as I considered in the intuitive solution.
I initialized \(t\) and \(p\) to arbitrary numbers and ran 20,000 trials,
tracking the number of draws in every simulation and updating my average.
After trying multiple values of \(t\) and \(p\), it was clear from my plots that
my formula was correct; the experimental averages indeed converged to my
predicted result.
Using varying values for \(t\) and \(p\). Both plots show strong convergence to predictions. Extension to 2 Colors
Suppose, for some reason, we want to see both a valid and invalid ticket. Equivalently,
say we are drawing balls of 2 colors out of an urn without replacement and want to see both
colors. On average, if we start with \(a\) amber balls and \(b\) blue balls, how many draws without
replacement are needed before seeing both colors?
This is actually a simple extension of the last problem. There are 2 cases: if we draw an amber ball
last, we expect to see \(\frac{b}{a+1}\) blue balls before success. Similarly, if we draw a blue ball
last, we expect to see \(\frac{a}{b+1}\) amber balls beforehand. The arguments for each are identical
to the previous intuitive argument.
Since these cases are mutually exclusive, it is easy to see that our new answer is simply the sum
of both expectations we calculated:
\frac{a}{b+1} + \frac{b}{a+1}.
Whereas before, if we got a valid ticket we stopped drawing, now, regardless of whichever type we
get first, we must keep drawing. Thus, we expect an increase from our last answer, and this result
seems to make sense.
Testing the 2 Colors Case
I modified my previous simulation to take in values for \(a\) and \(b\) to determine how many draws are
necessary before finding both colors. Once again, the experimental average converged to the results
of my expected value calculations.
Using varying values for \(a\) and \(b\). Both plots show strong convergence for the 2 colors case. Extension to 3 Colors
Now, we have \(a\) amber balls, \(b\) blue balls, and \(c\) copper balls in an
urn. On average, how many draws must be made without replacement before drawing balls of all colors?
This problem was harder to tackle. My instinct was that a quick extension of what I had done in the case of
2 colors wouldn't work. This time, the last color to appear could not define the entire progression of colors;
thus my cases, as I defined them, were no longer mutually exclusive.
I tested my theory experimentally. For \(a\) amber balls, \(b\) blue balls, and \(c\) copper balls, I tried:
Sure enough, the experimental data showed this approach was wrong. My formula was overshooting the true
expected value.
This formula was wrong, above the true value by over 1.25 in this case.
Looking at my formula, I saw that I was considering sets of 2 colors based on the last color. But what if
I also had to consider sets of a single color before the other 2?
One way to think about it is, regardless of the sequence of colors you draw from the urn, you can reorganize
them into 3 groups: those of the first color seen, those of the second, and the single ball from the third
and final color. The sequences don't really matter because we're counting the total number of draws, and on
average, we expect a constant number of balls in each group.
Let's take the case of an amber ball coming out first or second. From this new perspective, it's clear that
the \(\frac{a+b}{c+1} + \frac{a+c}{b+1}\) contribution to our sum is overcounting the expected number of amber balls.
If we envision keeping the amber group at the front, it's clear that we overcounted the expected number of amber balls
appearing before blue and copper balls. Quantified, we overcounted by \(\frac{a}{b+c+1}\). Extending this logic to the
other colors, we have:
This time, the simulations showed my formula was correct. Indeed, correcting for overcounting by considering 1
color relative to the other 2 shifted the expectation down the correct amount.
Varying values for \(a\), \(b\), and \(c\). Both plots show strong convergence to the predicted mean. Generalizing to N Colors
Now, things were getting interesting. I was seeing something like the Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion (PIE)
being used in a problem similar to the coupon collector problem. However, rather than drawing from an infinite
pool with constant probabilities, here I was drawing from a finite urn. After figuring out the application of
PIE in the case of 3 colors, extending to \(n\) colors wasn't too difficult. Let's state the problem in
its extended form:
In an urn, we have balls of \(n\) colors, with a total of \(\sum_{i=1}^{n} b_{i} = B\) balls, where \(b_{i}\) signifies
the number of balls of the \(i^{th}\) color. What is the expected number of draws required before seeing
all \(n\) colors?
Let \(U = \{1, 2,\dots,n\}\). A straightforward extension of my answer from the cases of 2 and 3 colors yielded:
\sum_{S \subseteq U, S \neq \emptyset} (-1)^{|S|-1}\frac{B - \sum_{i \in S} b_{i}}{\sum_{i \in S} b_{i} + 1}.
Written another way, we have:
\sum_{S \subseteq U, S \neq \emptyset} (-1)^{|S|-1}\frac{\sum_{i \in S^C} b_{i}}{\sum_{i \in S} b_{i} + 1}.
Testing the N Colors Expectation
Once again, we see excellent convergence to predicted results. It's worth noting that, due to the exponential
time complexity of working with all subsets of \(U\), \(n\) needs to be limited to around 25 or under.
Varying \(n\), the total number of colors. The number of each color was randomly chosen in \([1, 50]\). K Out of N Colors
A final challenge to address: We've now found how many draws are needed on average before seeing all
\(n\) colors, even with varying the numbers of balls of each color. But now, how do we calculate the expectation
of draws before we see \(k\) out of \(n\) distinct colors?
The key insight is to realize that the process of computing this expectation is very similar to any PIE
calculation where we calculate the number of elements in at least \(k\) of \(n\) sets, but with a bit of a twist.
First, we need to define some helpful terminology. In the last expectation formula, notice that values are positive
or negative depending on the cardinality of \(S\). This is common in PIE calculations, and we can in fact group these
partial sums by the cardinalities of \(S\) being considered. For instance, we'll calculate the sum for all subsets \(S\)
of length 1, then \(2\), and so on, keeping the absolute values of these quantities. Let's call these values \(v_1\),
\(v_2\), etc.
When solving a problem of this "at least \(k\) out of \(n\)" form, the only things that change are the coefficients of
each \(v_i\), and the starting point of the alternating sum. As is well known, for this particular PIE problem we
always see coefficients of the form:
{i-1 \choose k-1}.
However, in this case, we can't simply map these coefficients over to our problem. In our last expectation formula,
we were computing the number of draws required before seeing all colors. Essentially, we had the case of \(k=n\),
and the calculation was analogous to computing the number of elements in at least 1 subset. Interestingly,
we are not constructing our expectation based on seen colors, but rather based on unseen colors still in the
urn. We need to adjust our coefficients accordingly.
Thus, we see that when we have \(k=n-1\), we are performing a calculation analogous to computing the number of
elements in at least 2 subsets. Extending this, when we have an arbitrary \(k\), we're finding the number of
elements in at least \(n-k+1\) sets. Therefore, our coefficients are of the form:
{i-1 \choose n-k}.
So, for \(k=n-2\), we have \(v_3 - 3v_4 + 6v_5 - ...\), etc.
Further, we see that \(i = |S|\), and the choice of which values are positive and which are negative is
dependent upon \(n\), \(k\), and \(|S|\). Together, we have our expected value expression:
\sum_{S \subseteq U, S \neq \emptyset} (-1)^{n+k+|S|+1}{|S|-1 \choose n-k}\frac{\sum_{i \in S^C} b_{i}}{\sum_{i \in S} b_{i} + 1}.
Testing K of N colors
Once again, testing shows that the derived expression works incredibly well to predict the experimental results,
i.e., I've found a working solution to the generalized coupon collector without replacement problem.
Varying values of \(n\), the number of colors, and \(k\), the number of colors we wish to see. Again, the number of each color is chosen randomly in \([1, 50]\).
While I don't have rigorous proofs, I think there's sufficient intuition/evidence behind my work for the
purposes of this blog. I used Python in a Jupyter notebook, and I've put up the code on my
in case you'd like to try it out for yourself, or just see what I did in more detail.